If you are a Peterson family seeking aid, you can apply for assistance here. For additional resources, please look at the list below or contact us at petersonfriends@gmail.com.
additional assistance and resources:
Financial Assistance
IDES and PUA: If your income was impacted by Covid-19, you may qualify for Unemployment Insurance (UI) or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) through the Illinois Department of Employment Security.
UI provides temporary income to individuals whose employment has been impacted by COVID-19.
PUA temporarily expands unemployment insurance eligibility to self-employed workers, freelancers, independent contractors, and part-time workers. The State of Illinois has expanded its eligibility criteria for its PUA Program to include parents and guardians who have been unable to work due to child care needs.
To apply or learn more information visit www2.illinois.gov or call (800) 244-5631
Note: These benefits are available to immigrants and refugees depending on certain criteria. For information on whether you or your family may qualify for state benefits or other types of assistance based on citizenship, please call the Immigrant Family Resource Program (IFRP) Hotline at 1-855-IFRP-NOW (1-855-437-7669).
Video: How to Apply for Unemployment in IL
One Wage Emergency Fund - emergency fund for service workers, or others whose income is base on tips, affected by COVID-19
Chicago Rental Assistance: Rent payment assistance is available for individuals and families that are in immediate risk of eviction through the City of Chicago Rental Assistance Program. Must apply in person at your nearest Community Service Center.
To locate your nearest Community Service Center, click here: https://www.chicago.gov/city/en/depts/fss/provdrs/serv/svcs/community_servicecenterlocations.html
Food and Groceries
Food Pantries: Find your nearest food pantry using the Chicago Food Depository’s search engine
SNAP & P-EBT Programs: Contact the CPS Command Center to learn more regarding assistance programs such as: SNAP and P-EBT. Contact this number for assistance applying for these programs: 773-553-KIDS (5437) or go to https://abe.illinois.gov/abe/access/
The P-EBT program provides food to families in need while schools are closed. All CPS students are eligible, regardless of income or citizenship. Families are able to receive retro pay back to when in-person school ended.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps people and families buy the food they need for good health. Command Center for assistance applying, renewing, or managing your participation in the SNAP program.
Resources for Immigrants
Comprehensive Resource list for immigrant and refugee communities in the state of Illinois
Other Assistance
United Way Service Search Tool: Use this service finder to find resources in your community. Enter your zip code and select the category of support you are interested in (food, health care, financial assistance, etc.) to locate available resources in your community.
CPS Children and Family Benefits: Support in finding where you can apply for and completion of applications for benefits such as SNAP and Medicaid